Privacy Policy

Basic Policy on Protection of Personal Information

This site recognizes the importance of personal information and thinks that protecting personal information is a social obligation, comply with the law concerning personal information, properly acquire, use and manage personal information handled at this site I will do. Information gathered on this site will be handled appropriately within the scope of use.

About advertisements posted on this site

This site uses Google Adsense, a third-party advertisement service. In order to display advertisements of products and services according to user's interests, this advertisement distribution provider does not include information "Cookie" (name, address, e-mail address, telephone number is not included) about access to this site and other sites There is a case to use. Visitors can disable advertisements (hereinafter referred to as "personalized advertisements") tailored to the visitors in the advertisement settings. To do so, please click here. You can also disable cookies of third-party vendors used for personalized advertisements by visiting If you do not disable advertising by third-party distribution, advertisements distributed by third-party distributors and ad networks may be posted on the site. Also, please click here for Google Adsense regarding this process details and how to prevent such information from being used by ad serving companies. Furthermore, please confirm the privacy policy of the service provided by Google with the Google policy and the contract.

About the access analysis tool used by this site

We use Google's access analysis tool "Google Analytics" on this site. This Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data. This traffic data is collected anonymously, it does not identify individuals. Google Analytics cookies will be kept for 26 months. Since this function can refuse collecting by invalidating cookie, please confirm the setting of your browser. If you would like to see the Google Analytics terms and conditions, click here. Also, if you'd like to check on 'Use Google's data when users use Google Partner sites and apps', please click here.

About the provision of personal information to a third party

This site will not provide personal information provided by visitors to third parties without obtaining the consent of the visitor himself / herself. In addition, in the event that it is supposed to provide a third party in the future, we will present information to be offered and purpose of offering, etc. We will offer third parties only when consent is obtained from the visitor.

About change of guidelines for protection of personal information

Changes to this guideline will be posted on this site. The latest privacy policy is posted on the site, so check regularly.

About change of privacy policy

In addition to complying with Japanese laws applied to personal information, this site will review the contents of this Privacy Policy from time to time and make efforts to improve it. The latest revised privacy policy will always be disclosed on this page.

Contact Information

For the handling of this site or personal information, please contact us at the following e-mail address.
This website operator:Takuji Izumi

Date of enactment:May 29, 2011
Last revised date:January 17, 2019
Izumi show
CEO,Izumi Artisan LLC